Thursday evening meditations
1,5 hours of guided exercises, meditations and sharing moments. Every thursday from
7:30 PM to 9:00 PM at
Mariendaalstraat 25
In these sessions we use meditation to connect with ourselves and with each other. You can expect a variety of guided meditations, sharing moments and awareness exercises. Both beginners and more experienced participants are welcome this evening.
Costs: € 15 per session or € 12,50 per session with a strip card of 10 sessions.
If cost is an issue, please let us know. We can always arrange something. Everyone is welcome.
Please register in advance.
*also English speaking participants are welcome. It's no problem for us to switch to English.
You can choose for the following payment options:
Single session: €15
Stripcard: €125 for 10 times (valid for 18 months)
Monthly pass: €30 for 4 consecutive Thursday evenings
You can book the individual sessions and strip card below.
You can order the monthly pass via Hipsy .
Also interesting: the mindfulness based stress reduction (MBSR) training
Do you truly want to take the time to invest in yourself? Then this course is an interesting option. With a group, you will come together for 8 weeks to practice mindfulness. You will learn the theory behind meditation, start your own meditation practice, and apply mindfulness practically in your daily life. The result is less stress and more control over your life. Click here for more information.
You can book the individual Thursday evening session
below at Thursday Meditation Session
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1 hr 30 min
15 euros